ResidentialSEAI Grants

Your Gateway to Affordable Residential Solar Solutions with Encom

Elevate your solar journey with us and seize the remarkable advantages of SEAI grants designed for residential solar installations. As an authorised contractor under the SEAI grant program, Encom proudly connects you to substantial financial support for your residential solar endeavors. These grants substantially offset the costs, making solar energy adoption an attainable dream and expediting the transition to a cleaner energy landscape.


Empower your home with SEAI Grants and Solar Energy

How much can you get?

All homeowners, including private landlords, whose homes were built and occupied before 2021 can apply.


This is defined as the date your electricity meter was installed. This is different to other grant measures where the home must be built before 2011.

If you have a
1.25 kWp system output
you could be granted...

*Estimated grant funding. Total Solar PV grant capped at €2400

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